Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes

Knowledge Management: Systems and ProcessesIrma Becerra-Fernandez, Rajiv Sabherwal

Publisher M.E.Sharpe

Overview: This primary text serves as a complete introduction to the subject of Knowledge Management, and incorporates technical as well as social aspects, concepts and principles as well as practical examples, and traditional KM approaches as well as emerging topics such as social networks, Web 2.0, and open innovation. The focus of the book is on how KM impacts organizations and individuals, and steps that should be taken to maximixe benefits, including directions for how to select, develop, and evaluate KM systems. Unlike other books in the field, “Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes” enhances the conventional exposition of KM with an in-depth discussion of the technologies used to facilitate the management of knowledge in large and small organizations. It features numerous case studies and vignettes describing practical applications of KM initiatives at leading firms and government organizations, including details such as system architecture. Written by two recognized researchers in the field, the book makes extensive use of the latest developments and examples from KM. There is an online Instructor’s Manual with PowerPoint materials, solutions to end-of-chapter exercises, and test questions that is available to adoptors.