Terrorism & Political Violence Risk Map 2016

Terrorism & Political Violence Risk Map 2016AON

Overview: Evolving exposures prompt shift in strategy
The last 18 months have shown that of all the crisis perils, terrorism and political violence have evolved most rapidly,
presenting a much broader spectrum of potential impacts that could affect our clients, their people and their operations
than ever before.
Aon’s close partnership with The Risk Advisory Group is now in its ninth year. Our Terrorism and Political Violence Map has
been designed and continues to help companies understand where these risks are present, what is driving them and how
they should approach managing these risks.
Our partnership allows us to bring analysis that provides real insight for insurance and mitigation strategies. The increasing
use of mass-casualty attacks by terrorist groups underlines the value in considering both security delivery and insurance
together, in order to coordinate prevention and response activities as well as investment in the appropriate coverage for
the perils.
Aon’s Crisis Management team seeks to make best use of the data that sits behind this map, in order to inform our broking
strategy for clients as well as provide insight into appropriate mitigation for their risks. The aim is to reduce the potential
impact of terrorism and political violence on our clients’ people, assets and operations.
When considering how to develop a terrorism programme, factors such as the potential for extensive casualties from an
event and the need for appropriate medical responses (including evacuation), for business interruption whether assets
were damaged or not, for reputational damage should a response go badly all illustrate the need to understand how this
type of exposure spans across a number of lines of insurance.
As always, where organisations have concerns or would like to validate their current terrorism strategy, we encourage
them to connect with their broker to discuss how their cover will respond to recent trends in terrorism as highlighted by
the map.
We hope you find this year’s map and analysis of interest and of value.
