Risk Appetite – Guidance note

Risk Appetite - Guidance noteHM Government

Overview: The Orange Book – Management of Risk, Principles and Concepts (2019) advises ‘the Board should determine and continuously assess the nature and extent of the principal risks that the organisation is exposed to and is willing to take to achieve its objectives – its risk appetite – and ensure that planning and decision-making reflects this assessment. Effective risk management should support informed decision-making in line with this risk appetite, ensure confidence in the response to risks, transparency over the principal risks faced and how these are managed’. This guidance has been developed by risk practitioners in the public sector to support colleagues in implementing effective risk management arrangements, aligned with the Orange Book principles.

Public sector organisations cannot be risk averse and be successful. Effective and meaningful risk management in government remains more important than ever in taking a balanced view to delivering public services. Risk management is an integral part of good governance and corporate management mechanisms. An organisation’s risk management framework harnesses the activities that identify and manage uncertainty, allows it to take opportunities and to take managed risks not simply to avoid them, and systematically anticipates and prepares successful responses. A key consideration in balancing risks and opportunities, supporting informed decision-making and preparing tailored responses is the organisation’s risk appetite.
