Resilience, Risk and Reward: What Businesses Think

Resilience, Risk and Reward: What Businesses ThinkEditora Ernst & Young

Overview: The past few years have seen rapid political, regulatory and technological changes in business environments, and the rate of change is accelerating. To avoid bouncing back to the status quo, businesses increasingly need to have the right leadership and behaviours to adapt to these changes.
Resilience First and EY conducted a study of over 50 UK resilience and security professionals across all industry sectors from both organisations’ member networks.
The aim was to start the conversation with businesses of all sizes to understand their resilience challenges and to develop solutions when managing uncertainty.
The study looked at business sentiments on the challenges faced over the next two years across seven categories: People, Supply Chain, Finance, Technology, Regulation, Physical Environment and Community.
Uncertainty was understandably a common theme. Yet, it was reassuring to note that the majority of businesses that we spoke to, felt that they were moving in the right direction.
The findings show that UK businesses are striving for continuous improvement and enhancing their approaches to increase their preparedness for change.
