Integrated Security – A Public Realm Design Guide for Hostile Vehicle Mitigation

Integrated Security - A Public Realm Design Guide for Hostile Vehicle MitigationCPNI – Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure

Overview: This publication provides information and stimulus to those responsible for integrating protective security measures into the public realm, in order to mitigate the threat from, and limit the damage caused by, terrorist attack.
It is important that our surroundings remain open and inclusive and that the addition of physical security measures designed to protect us are integrated and proportionate to the assessed threat. The purpose of this guide is to assist the public realm design process and to encourage a positive and creative response to the challenges of counter-terrorism and protective security.
Terrorist bombs (known as Improvised Explosive Devices – IEDs) can be person-borne, vehicle-borne, placed or delivered items. Understanding the potential threats, the consequences of a vehicle-borne attack and the intelligent application of Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) measures are the focus of this document.
The design of the public realm must consider the application of HVM measures holistically, to ensure that the correct level of protection is provided without compromising the ability to create aesthetic and functional public spaces.
There is no “one size fits all” response as each and every situation requires an informed and specific solution.
In addition, threat levels1 as well as terrorist methods evolve over time, and as a consequence, necessitate consideration of both current and future security needs.
