2022 Global Risk Forecast Executive Summary

2022 Global Risk Forecast Executive SummaryCRISIS24

Overview: They say that history does not repeat itself, but that it does rhyme. Our job at Crisis24 is to see those rhythms; using our decades of geopolitical risk expertise, we spot the patterns, trends, and subtle indicators that give us insight into the future.

2022 In Focus

COVID-19 has touched almost every aspect of global societies. The turbulent Middle East is entering a historic phase with demarches between Israel and Arab states. Placing diplomacy and business above geopolitics, we are seeing a rebalancing of relationships in the Gulf. The Latin America region was one of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, crushing significant portions of the population below the poverty line. In North America as well as in Europe, domestic violent extremism is reshaping governments and polarizing populations along ideological lines. Governments and regional actors are leveraging this divisiveness to sow uncertainty and violence. Africa, in some ways spared from the most severe COVID-19 impact, continues to struggle from poor governance and a spreading of radicalized Islam, splitting communities and countries into ungovernable factions. The fall of Afghanistan to a resurgent Taliban ended another chapter of the Great Game and it remains to be seen if the Taliban choses to conduct itself as a member of the international community. Rippling beyond the borders of Afghanistan, radical Islamist groups are emboldened by the Taliban victory and will emerge invigorated around the world. China turns a step inward to address political and economic challenges and the 2022 Winter Olympics. A new United States administration grapples with a powerful and assertive China, with two global powers vying for alliances and geopolitical advantage.
