2020 Global Threat Intelligence Report

2020 Global Threat Intelligence ReportNTT

Overview: As the world unites and draws on all available resources to contain the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, unfortunately, there will be those who’ll try to take advantage of the crisis for nefarious purposes.
As organizations continue to drive business practices through digital transformation, the challenges they face evolve as well. Cybercriminals are among this group. With large numbers of employees and students working from home, businesses are facing increasing risk of becoming victims of cybercrime. Every organization should go the extra mile to protect their customers, partners and employees during these unprecedented and uncertain times.
NTT Ltd. provides solutions for challenges impacting clients across many industries globally.
In our 2020 Global Threat Intelligence Report, we identify the unique challenges regions and industries face, and the operational, tactical and strategic considerations organizations should leverage to manage risk.
Our report identifies modern and emerging trends observed across many industries and regions. Armed with this knowledge, cybersecurity leaders will gain greater situational awareness allowing them to guide investments and support decisions to aid in improving their security posture.
Additionally, cybersecurity defenders should leverage this information to assess identified threats against their own risk profile and technology footprint to bolster targeted threat detection and response efforts.
