Code of Practice for Victims of Crime

Code of Practice for Victims of CrimeMinistry of Justice – UK

Overview: This Code of Practice for Victims of Crime forms a key part of the wider Government strategy to transform the criminal justice system by putting victims first, making the system more responsive and easier to navigate. Victims of crime should be treated in a respectful, sensitive, tailored and professional manner without discrimination of any kind. They should receive appropriate support to help them, as far as possible, to cope and recover and be protected from re-victimisation. It is important that victims of crime know what information and support is available to them from reporting a crime onwards and who to request help from if they are not getting it.
This Code sets out the services that must be provided to victims of crime by organisations in England and Wales.
This Code sets a minimum standard for these services. Service providers can choose to offer additional services and victims can choose to receive services tailored to their individual needs that fall below the minimum standard.
