Protecting Transportation: Implementing Security Policies and Programs

Protecting Transportation: Implementing Security Policies and ProgramsR William Johnstone

Publisher Butterworth-Heinemann

Overview: Protecting Transportation: Implementing Security Policies and Programs provides a thorough overview of transportation security in the United States, with a focus on policy. The book coversall major transportation modes and puts the American security system into perspective against other national and international systems. Author R. William Johnstone, a transportation security expert and member of the 9/11 Commission staff, discusses how the current transportation security system came to be and how it is performing.

Whether you are a current or aspiring transportation security professional, a policymaker, or an engaged citizen, Johnstone’s presentation equips you to understand today’s issues and debates on a problem that affects every member of the global community. Transportation security has evolved in the years since 9/11 from a relatively modest, sporadic undertaking into a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing tens of thousands. Protecting Transportation describes how that system is organized, funded, and implemented.

  • Fosters critical thinking by reviewing the development and evaluation of key transportation security programs;
  • Clarifies security issues in the context of civil liberties, federal spending, and terrorist incidents in the United States and globally;
  • Considers the “inputs of security policy, including laws, regulations, and programs; and the “outcomes, such as enforcement, effectiveness metrics, and workforce morale.