Risk Transparency

Risk TransparencySanjay Sharma

Publisher Risk Books

Overview: This report, written by highly-experienced industry expert Sanjay Sharma, investigates factors that can inhibit financial institutions and other entities from providing full disclosure of the risks underlying their strategies, portfolios and performance. The author surveys disclosure practices that are generally followed, with relevant examples and commentary on their effectiveness and weaknesses. Prescriptive chapters illustrate how to overcome the drawbacks of disclosure and will also touch upon the evolution of regulatory standards and emerging trends in the aftermath of the financial crisis.

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the issue of risk transparency is at the forefront of the minds of management, investors and regulators alike. Questions are arising surrounding risk transparency as it relates to, or is provided by, exchanges and markets, central banks and regulators. Ensure you are fully informed and equipped to deal with these questions.

“You will find no better guide to the practice of professional risk management today than Sanjay Sharma’s new book, Risk Transparency. Dr. Sharma provides a step-by-step guide on how you can harness critical risk information to provide insight and actionable information to risk takers and senior management. In a voice that is both engaging and authoritative, Dr. Sharma accompanies you on a joint quest to develop risk templates and disclosures that will empower decision makers. Dr. Sharma becomes your co-pilot as you review all the critical components: Market, Credit, Liquidity, and Operational Risk. There are also special chapters devoted specifically to Systemic Risk, Regulation, and Institutional Disclosure…

…Risk Transparency is chock-full of insights, helpful tips, and pitfalls to be avoided. The author provides comparative presentations and side-by-side tabular and graphic formats and explains what works and how it works well. He explains where your emphasis should be focused and how to best interact with senior management and risk takers.”

Donahoe, former Senior Risk Officer at Barclays Capital and RBC