Top 10 op risks 2020

Top 10 op risks 2020Baker McKenzie

Overview: Welcome to’s annual ranking of the top op risks for 2020, based on a survey of operational risk practitioners across the globe and in-depth interviews with respondents.
As in years past, there’s no great secret to the methodology:’s team gets in touch with 100 chief risk officers, heads of operational risk and senior practitioners at financial services firms, including banks, insurers, asset managers and infrastructure providers, and asks them to list their five most pressing op risk concerns for the year ahead. The results are then weighted and aggregated, and are presented in brief below and analysed in depth in 10 accompanying articles.
As before, the survey focuses on broad categories of risk concern, rather than specific potential loss events. The survey is inherently qualitative and subjective; the weighted list of concerns it produces should be read as an
industrywide attempt to relay and share worries anonymously, not as a how-to guide.
For a note on the impact of the coronavirus, see the final chapter, geopolitical risk.
