Assessing the Impact of CCTV

Assessing the Impact of CCTVMartin Gill, Angela Spriggs

Home Office Research – UK

Résumé: This study represents a major advance in our knowledge about CCTV. No previous research has examined in such detail the issues faced in ensuring effective operation of CCTV systems. The authors have undertaken a painstaking analysis of the effectiveness of systems, both with respect to the impact on crime as recorded by the police and wider measures based on victimisation rates, fear of crime and other information collected via local surveys.
The authors have demonstrated that while CCTV can be a powerful tool in combating crime, it has to be recognised that the contexts in which CCTV systems operate are very variable, as are the systems themselves. CCTV can appear to be a simple measure to implement, but this is far from being the case in reality. This report, together with its associated reports, provides invaluable information to assist in developing the full potential of CCTV systems.
