The Retail Loss Prevention Officer

The Retail Loss Prevention OfficerAnthony D. Manley

Editor Prentice Hall

Descripción: This book serves as an invaluable manual for the loss prevention officer working in the field of retail security, offering these professionals a series of actions and responses for every type of incident that may occur in a retail setting—the know-how of what, when, why, and how to react to particular situations and the consequences that may follow. All aspects of safety and security within the retail premise are covered detail—making this book an invaluable part of the retail security officer training curriculum. KEY TOPICS A seven-part organization covers specific material related to the criminal and civil; criminal law and the retail security officer; the retail loss prevention officer; emergencies, threats and hazards; alarms and inspections; and relevant topics of concern for the retail loss prevention department. For in-service retail security officers, retail operations managers.