Behavioural Detection

Behavioural DetectionHM Government

Résumé: The term ‘behavioural detection’ refers to a method of detecting individuals with hostile intentions by observing their behaviours and activities. This guidance is written by behavioural detection experts from across government, and has been informed by consultations with key stakeholders and other specialists as well as by research and other literature.
The purpose of this document is to inform those considering the use of behavioural detection and to provide specific advice for various stakeholders. It can help those needing to better understand (a) different behavioural detection approaches, (b) the strengths and weaknesses of these, and (c) how to choose and apply behavioural detection methods to specific environments to maximise the security of a location and its people.
As such, this guidance is designed to help both policy makers in government and industry who are responsible for advising and/or mandating security processes and measures, and those on the frontline responsible for ensuring security, such as security managers across a range of different sites.
