Threat Landscape Report – 2018-19

Threat Landscape Report - 2018-19Blueliv

Résumé: If 2017 was the year businesses around the world started to smell the smoke, 2018 was the year they realized they were on fire. Cybercriminal activity ramped up in 2018.And with increased legislative protections for customers, many businesses were forced to improve their cybersecurity controls and processes – and started to feel the burn.
Organizations in all sectors faced increasingly virulent and sophisticated cyberthreats on a weekly, if not daily basis. On an individual level, incidents such as the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal showed just how fast and loose people play with their data. As a watershed moment, the general public – not just those working in cybersecurity – started to realize just how powerful personal data really is, and its potential for manipulation and malicious use. Blueliv’s threat Intelligence team observed an increase of 50% in the amount of stolen data from one year to another.
